Despite numerous publications, dubious deals, astronomical salaries, zero results, corruption schemes, and embezzlement, the ANIF fund continues to rob taxpayers. Apparently, the roof is very secure.

The government wants to allocate another AMD 1.7 billion to ANIF, according to the article “Financial assistance to organizations in the process of liquidation.” Such impudence is outrageous.

In May, the government announced the closure of the ANIF foundation, which had already become too toxic. No reasons were cited. They stayed silent about the 12 billion of taxpayers’ money that had been stolen or squandered. Silent about the employees who paid themselves AMD 40-70 million a year for doing nothing, with many of them not even showing up to the office. Silent about investments in obscure companies on dubious terms. Silent about the failure of the national airline FlyArna. The godfather of the ANIF fund, current Yerevan Mayor Avinyan, was never held accountable for any of this.

Now, the liquidation of ANIF has been announced. One might have thought that the cycle of embezzlement would at least stop, but no. The government needs to allocate another AMD 1.7 billion to them. After all, they must pay tens of millions to idlers for unused vacations, bonuses for their “good work” severance pay for layoffs, and possible penalties for early termination of contracts. The salaries paid to “dead souls” will likely fill up the coffers of one of the power groups. As usual, everything will be done in secret. ANIF has never reported to anyone. As noted, the roof is secure.

Some time ago, Economy Minister Papoyan clumsily tried to answer a question about ANIF salaries, but it came off as awkward and insincere. However, it was an attempt to defend the ANIF foundation, which means everything will happen again. We will not be surprised if ANIF reincarnates into another, “clean” fund with a different name and a noble purpose. After all, the temptation to rob taxpayers with impunity is too great. And as the ANIF situation has shown, no one has been punished.

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The already familiar,  but still very non-transparent ANIF foundation, in 2022 allocated
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